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Rzeszow, Poland: Registration and ID cards 1919-1942

Introduction by Tony Kahane

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This database consists of Jewish registration and ID cards from Rzeszów,Poland, from 1919-1942, many of them from the Holocaust period, with 101 records.

German forces occupied Rzeszów on September 10, 1939. Before the occupation, there were some 14,000 Jews in Rzeszow, a total that increased as people were brought to the city from neighboring villages. The ghetto was established on December 17, 1941. Mass deportations of around 8,000 people took place between July 7 and 13, 1942, and were accompanied by mass executions outside the city, and random murders in “actions” within the city.


This file is from the Rzeszów state archive, Fond 3078, File 51.

The majority of these documents are registration cards or other notes, many with photos, dated on or within a few days of July 10, 1942, in the same week (July 7-13) as the first mass deportations to Belzec took place, of some 14,000 Jews from the Rzeszów ghetto. In some cases, these will have been the documents people presented in an effort to avoid deportation. Some of those whose ID cards date from July 1942 are of women who had married in the previous few days (see the notes on the Jewish marriage certificates, below).

The fields in the database include:

  • Scan number
  • Fond number [3078]
  • File number [51]
  • Page number of record
  • Date of document (exact date)
  • Date of document (earliest)
  • Date of document (latest)
  • Town [Rzeszów]
  • Given name(s)
  • Surname
  • Place of birth
  • Mother’s given name(s)
  • Mother’s surname
  • Father’s given name(s)
  • Father’s surname
  • Spouse’s given name(s)
  • Spouse’s surname
  • Occupation (Polish or German)
  • Occupation (German)
  • Original place of residence
  • Street address
  • Town moved to
  • When person moved
  • Marital status
  • Date of death
  • Health status [for instance, “paralyzed”]
  • Comments
  • Note: Not all the fields are necessarily present in any given entry.


With the assistance of a grant from, Gesher Galicia worked during 2018 on obtaining copies of the records, and indexing and checking them. The indexes were inserted into an Excel spreadsheet.

Michal Majewski, Board Member of Gesher Galicia, coordinated this project, and the following people partcicipated in photographing records, indexing, and checking the spreadsheets: Piotr Gumola, Tony Kahane, Katarzyna Marczuk, Natalia Mazur, Slawomir Postek, Maciej Wzorek, and Róza Zabojszcz.

Special thanks to Avraham Groll, and Warren Blatt for their continued contributions to Jewish genealogy.  Particular thanks to Nolan Altman, Vice President of Data Acquisition and Coordinator of JewishGen’s Holocaust Database files.

Nolan Altman
Coordinator - JewishGen's Holocaust Database
April 2019

Searching the Database

This database is searchable via JewishGen's Holocaust Database and JewishGen's All Poland Database.

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Last Update: May 8, 2019 by AG
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